Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy in Brooklyn, NY. Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy specializes in osteopathic manipulative medicine, practices at 7510 4Th Avenue, phone number, opening hours, doctor nearby.


Oskar Varshavskiy M.D., D.O. is a male health care provider in Brooklyn with Addiction Family Medicine listed as his primary medical specialization. His credentials are: M.D., D.O.. He graduated from New York Medical College in 2000 (around 21 years of experience).

Read more to learn about Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy, DO's background, education, and other specialties. Visit RateMDs for information on Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy in Brooklyn. View reviews, phone & address info, medical practice history, affiliated hospitals and more. Read verified patient reviews of Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy DO, MD, an addiction medicine specialist in Brooklyn, NY. Learn more about his background, insurance he accepts, issues he treats, and procedures on CareDash. Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy, MD,DO, is an Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine specialist in Brooklyn, New York.

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He works in Brooklyn, Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy, MD is a Family Medicine Specialist in Brooklyn, NY. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Varshavskiy to book an appointment. Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy, DO is a doctor primarily located in Brooklyn, NY. He has 21 years of experience. His specialties include Addiction Medicine, Family Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Family Medicine. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy, MD, DO at 7510 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11209. Search for other Physicians & Surgeons in Brooklyn on The Real Yellow Pages®.

Management, L.L.C.. VARSHAVSKIY,. OSKAR *. 9000 Shore Road. Brooklyn Hospital Affiliation(s):. Dr. Valery. Kuznetsov. Cardiologist, PC. KUZNETSOV,.

Medical, PC Dr. Betty Shabazz Health Center. 999 Blake Avenue VARSHAVSKIY, OSKAR DO. 7510 4th Avenue.

Dr oskar varshavskiy

Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy graduated from New York Medical College in 2000. Dr. Varshavskiy has one office in New York where he specializes in Family Medicine and Osteopathic Medicine.

Browse Oskar Varshavskiy is a provider established in Brooklyn, New York and his medical specialization is family medicine (addiction medicine) with more than 21 years of experience.

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He graduated from New York Medical College in 2000. The NPI number of Oskar Varshavskiy is 1528053659 and was assigned on September 2005. About Varshavskiy Oskar MD: Varshavskiy Oskar MD is located at 7510 4th Ave in Bay Ridge - Brooklyn, NY - Kings County and is a professional listed in the categories Chiropractor, Physicians & Surgeons, Offices Of Physicians (Except Mental Health Specialists), Offices Of Chiropractors, Offices And Clinics Of Doctors Of Medicine, Offices And Clinics Of Chiropractors and Physicians & Surgeons About Reviewer. For well over a decade, Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy has been practicing medicine in Brooklyn, New York. A graduate from the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine, he specializes in family medicine, addiction medicine, physical medicine, and rehabilitation.

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Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy, MD is a Family Medicine Specialist in Brooklyn, NY. Be sure to call ahead with Dr. Varshavskiy to book an appointment.

Visit RateMDs for information on Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy in Brooklyn. View reviews, phone & address info, medical practice history, affiliated hospitals and more. Read verified patient reviews of Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy DO, MD, an addiction medicine specialist in Brooklyn, NY. Learn more about his background, insurance he accepts, issues he treats, and procedures on CareDash.

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From 2010-2011, Dr. Quevedo-Teruel joined the Department of Theoretical Physics of Condensed Matter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid as a research fellow and went on to continue his postdoctoral research at Queen Mary University of London from 2011-2013. In 2014, he joined the Division for Electromagnetic Engineering in the School of

Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy, MD,DO, is an Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine specialist in Brooklyn, New York. He attended and graduated from New York Medical College in 2000, having over 21 years of diverse experience, especially in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine. He is affiliated with many hospitals including Nyu Hospitals Center.

Dr. Oskar Varshavskiy, MD works in Brooklyn, New York is a specialist in Family Practice and graduated New York College Of Osteopathic Medicine, New York Institute Of Technology in 2000. Dr. Varshavskiy is affiliated with Lutheran Medical Center, Peninsula Hospital Center and practicing for 19 years

Dr. View FREE Reputation Profile & Score for Oskar Varshavskiy in Brooklyn, NY - See Net Worth | Court Records | Background | Photos | Phone, Address & Email | Reviews Varshavskiy Oskar at 7510 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11209 Oskar Varshavskiy, M.D., D.O. is an addiction medicine family medicine in Brooklyn, NY with 20 years of experience. The provider is a family medicine physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of addictions. Oskar Varshavskiy, M.D., D.O. NPI is 1528053659.The provider is … Oskar Varshavskiy MD. UNCLAIMED . This business is unclaimed. Owners who claim their business can update listing details, add photos, respond to reviews, and more. Claim this listing for free. UNCLAIMED .

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