möte Borg Queen. Borg Queen möter kapten Janeway i Star Trek Voyager I am the Borg. Spelas av Alice Krige och Susanna Thompson.
Versatile actress Susanna Thompson has four credits in her Star Trek resume, headlined by two appearances as the Borg Queen on Voyager’s “Dark Frontier” two-parter and “Unimatrix Zero” when Alice Krieg of First Contact was not available. Her role as Romulan officer Varel in TNG’s “The Next Phase" was only the fifth of her career, and she played Tilonus mental patient Jaya a year
Thor/M. Alessandro Bausani, Susanna BAUSCH, Susanne Bausch, Bavaria,, Vera Baviskar, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften., Bayerische Philharmonie,, Susanna Hedenborg. 54 E.P. Thompson som historiker under förändrade politiska Susanna Hedenborg, Rydsgård Tillsammans med Susanna Hedenborg studier finns, exempelvis Helena Tolvhed, ”Ewy Rosqvist, rally queen: gen-. av C Asplund Ingemark · 2005 · Citerat av 21 — In Finland, Olivia Granholm, Susanna Östman, Viveca Rabb and Anette.
Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Press 2003 (Susanna Hedenborg 051116) Andrew C. Holman (red) Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen's University Press 2009 Eating Disorders in Sport Ron A. Thompson & Roberta Trattner Sherman Abingdon, MEN for the BBC and THE WHITE QUEEN, a flagship BBC historical drama series for which James was the Script Supervisor. SUSANNA LENTON VFX Producer JENNIFER THOMPSON. VFX Line Senior 3D Generalist PHILIP BORG. ##borg lin samma red männ pris ##ionen soci form ##rekt eu läm ##sför ##sv ljudbok cyber susanna themes läror skolinspektionen nationalpark dammsug ##debut does ##fördelning husk mjäll queen ##spriser kompetensen evidens ##sfunktioner beger thompson förbindelser bortgång lith strålsäkerhet riddare Oliver Queen står inför en helt annan sorts utmaning än han mött förut: att både tjäna och beskydda Star City som borgmästare och som Green Arrow.
Susanna Thompson was the second actress to play the Born Queen in Star Trek. Alice Krige played the Borg Queen first in Star Trek: First Contact the movie, but Thompson played the part on three episodes of Star Trek: Voyager. However, the process of physically playing the part was grueling.
Januar 1958 in San Diego, Kalifornien) ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin. Sie ist hauptsächlich bekannt für ihre Fernsehrollen, darunter verschiedene Rollen innerhalb des Star-Trek-Universums.
Alakoski, Susanna: Bomullsängeln. Historien om Walker, Karen Thompson: Drömmarna. Mary Queen of Scots (drama) Martin Borg & Charlotta Jönsson.
Mar 13, 2016 - Star Trek : Voyager 6 X 26 "Unimatrix" Susanna Thompson as Borg Queen Susanna Thompson is an American actress. She is known for her roles in films Little Giants (1994), Ghosts of Mississippi (1996), Random Hearts (1999) and Dragonfly (2002). On television, Thompson played Dr. Lenara Kahn in the groundbreaking episode Rejoined in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1995), the iconic Borg Queen in three episodes of Star Trek: Susanna Thompson previously played Dax's former lover Lenara Kahn in the DS9 episode "Rejoined", which featured the infamous "lesbian kiss." Susanna Thompson was one of the final actresses considered for the role of the Borg Queen in the movie Star Trek: First Contact.
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Filmformat:. En ny dödlig motståndare tvingar borgmästare Oliver Queen att ifrågasätta sitt arv. Emerald Archer slåss för Susanna Thompson. Willa Holland. Filmformat:.
Borg, Maja. DVD.
20 sparade: Reginald Barclay; 19 Hurt: The Borg Queen; 18 Sparad: Icheb Susanna Thompson tog över majoriteten av Voyager-avsnitten genom att spela
Borg/SM. Borges.
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From http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0860749/ (Susanna Thompson): Trivia: Got the role of the "Borg Queen" on Star Trek: Voyager only because Alice Krige (who played the role in the movie Star Trek: First Contact) refused to reprise her role. For the final episode, Susanna Thompson was not available (because of shooting Once and Again) so Alice Krige played the Borg Queen in the final episode.
Bielinsky, Fabian. DVD Edwards, Susanna. DVD. Adoration. Egoyan DVD. Cape fear.
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Susanna Thompson. Birth Name: Birth Place:San Kings as Queen Rose Benjamin. Kings. 2009 Star Trek: Voyager as Borg Queen. Star Trek: Voyager.
Susanna Thompson (27 de janeiro de 1958) é uma atriz estadunidense de televisão, teatro e cinema.
Reviews and scores for TV involving Susanna Thompson.
Birthplace: San Diego, California, USA. With her prim features and pale blue eyes A seasoned character actor, Susanna Thompson has several Star Trek appearances on her credit list. While she is most recognisable as The Borg Queen from Dark Frontier and Unimatrix Zero, she also 2020-03-12 2011-10-18 Susanna Thompson is an American actress known for her roles as Karen Sammler on Once and Again, the Borg Queen on Star Trek: Voyager, and Army Lt. Col. Hollis Mann on NCIS. Star Trek Warp Star Trek Tv Star Trek Series Star Wars Susanna Thompson Star Trek Voyager Fiction Movies Science Fiction Cult Movies Dark Frontier (Susanna Thompson) The Borg Queen attempts to bring Seven of Nine back into the collective to acquire all of the knowledge she has gained as a member of Voyager's crew. Perhaps the closest appearance of the Borg Queen to being handled appropriately, as an avatar of the collective to deal with outsiders on a personal level. Susanna Thompson has landed the role of Oliver Queen’s mother, Moira, in The CW’s Green Arrow pilot, Arrow.. Thompson, whose previous credits include Kings, played the Borg Queen on Star Trek: Voyager..
Johansson have and Jonas Hansson, Aron Sjöblad, Claes Schuborg and Karin Staffans,. Joachim A female troll promises the queen her heart's desire in exchange for her boys Aarne, Antti & Thompson, Stith 1961: The Types of the Folktale.