Versace Ceramics. The haute couture of ceramics. Founded in Milan in 1978 by Gianni Versace himself, one of the most talented stylists of the 20th century, 


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Gianni Versace är ett italienskt modemärke som grundades av Gianni Versace 1978. Gianni Versace blev bragd om livet i USA år 1997 och företaget kom att axlas av systern Donatella Versace som har titeln Vice President. Versace är ett italienskt modemärke som grundades av Gianni Versace 1978. Den första Versacebutiken öppnade i Milano och blev snabbt ett populärt tillhåll för modefolket. Idag är Versace ett av världens största internationella modehus. Under varumärket Versace ryms, utöver lyxiga kläder, även accessoarer, makeup och heminredning. Versace hos Mister Spex.

Versace 1978

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The Versace family still controls 80  Versace Ceramics. The haute couture of ceramics. Founded in Milan in 1978 by Gianni Versace himself, one of the most talented stylists of the 20th century,  15 Jul 2017 Versace Shot Dead in Miami,” “In the Path of a Killer,” “Murder of a Versace's brand, which he first presented in 1978 in Milan at age 32, was  Versace is the Italian luxury fashion house founded by legendary designer Gianni Versace in 1978. The iconic brand is known for its expertly crafted  24 Sep 2018 The fashion house, founded by designer Gianni Versace in 1978, posted sales of €686 million in 2017 with net profits of €15 million. Akeroyd  24 Jun 2017 The 62-year-old designer lost her late brother, who founded the Italian fashion house Versace in 1978, in 1997 after he was murdered aged 50,  OF FASHION, GLAMOUR AND SEXINESS.THE MYTH DATES BACK TO 1978, WHEN THE BRAND WAS CREATED BY THE FOUNDER, GIANNI VERSACE. 22 Jul 2013 In 1971 he went to Milan, where he ended up at Genny and Complice.

Founded in 1978, the Gianni Versace S.r.l. is one of the leading global fashion design houses. Under the Artistic Direction of Donatella Versace since 1997, 

1978 - VERSACE  Versace grundades 1978 i Milano av Gianni Versace är idag ett av världens ledande mode- och designhusen. Parfymer och doftserier för män och kvinnor från  Versace-logotypen är chefen för Medusa , en grekisk mytologisk figur.

Versace 1978

25 Sep 2018 Versace was founded in 1978. For over 40 years, Versace has represented the epitome of Italian fashion luxury, a testament to the brand's 

In 1978, Gianni Versace made that dream a reality by opening the very first Versace boutique in Milan’s Via Della Spiga. At the time that he opened this boutique, Gianni was one of the only designers in the industry to control every aspect of his brand. Founded in 1978 in Milan, Gianni Versace S.r.l. is one of the leading international fashion design houses and a symbol of Italian luxury world-wide.

2 149,00 kr. Versace VE 2140 1002/87 Det italienska modehuset Versace grundades 1978. Versace Collection. T-shirt med tryck. 1 495,00 SEK. ITALIENSK MODE DESIGNER (VERSACE). FÖDD 1946, REGGIO DI CALABRIA. JOBBADE DIREKT EFTER SKOLAN HOS SIN MAMMA.
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Under the Artistic Direction of Donatella Versace since 1997, the House manufactures and distributes fashion and lifestyle products including haute couture, women’s and men’s ready-to-wear, jewelry, watches, accessories, fragrances and home collection. Versace's passion for Andy Warhol was fueled, as the designer reported, by one of his first trips to New York and his association of Warhol with media awareness, a lively art scene, appreciation of art and design, and the synthesis of art and living that Warhol practiced and that was epitomized by the Factory. In 1978, Gianni Versace made that dream a reality by opening the very first Versace boutique in Milan’s Via Della Spiga. At the time that he opened this boutique, Gianni was one of the only designers in the industry to control every aspect of his brand. Founded in 1978 in Milan, Gianni Versace S.r.l.

in 1978. Versace grundades 1978 i Milano av Gianni Versace är idag ett av världens ledande mode- och designhusen.
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VERSACEModehuset VERSACE – en värld av lyx och design! Gianni Versace är ett italienskt modemärke som grundades av Gianni Versace 1978. Gianni 

Gianni Versace, vanligen kallad Versace är ett italienskt modemärke som grundades av Gianni Versace 1978. Den första Versace butiken öppnade i Milano i Via della Spiga år 1978 (även om Versace familjen är från Reggio di Calabria) och blev omedelbart oerhört populär. From 1978, Versace built the company with the support of his family, employing his sister Donatella as Vice President and his brother Santo as President of the company.

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Versace parfym för henne och honom. Den kända loggan med Medusas huvud signalerar mode och skönhet. Versace är italienskt mode som har överlevt flera årtionden. År 2018 köpte amerikanska modegruppen Michael Kors detta modemärke och därmed lever det vidare med ett namn som förknippas med elegans och djärvhet.

About Versace Founded in 1978 in Milan, Gianni Versace S.r.l. is one of the leading international fashion design houses and a symbol of Italian luxury world-wide. Official Versace Online Shop: an exclusive selection of Women’s and Men’s Ready to Wear, Shoes, Accessories and the iconic world of Versace Home.

GIANNI VERSACE Spring Summer 1992 Milan - Fashion ChannelYOUTUBE CHANNEL:

20 Aug 2018 The pieces were all curated by the same collector back in the 1990s. Versace rose to fame after opening his first boutique store in Milan in 1978,  Gianni Versace is among the most famous fashion creators of ХХ century. His art as “Jenny” and “Complice”, and in 1978 he opens his own company in Milan. Versace, is an Italian luxury fashion company and trade name founded by Gianni. Versace in 1978. The main collection of the brand is Versace, which produces. 28 Aug 2020 In Milan, Italy, Gianni Versace established Gianni Versace S.r.l.

2012-jun-24 - Versace is an Italian luxury brand created by Gionni Versace in 1978. Versace was founded in 1978.