av H KAMPE-PERSSON · 2007 · Citerat av 14 — between the Greylag Goose Anser anser and Swan. Goose Anser cygnoides ern subspecies rubrirostris (Kampe-Persson 2002), resulting in the occurrence of
Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over &1 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including distribution information for 20,000 regions, taxonomy, synonyms in several languages and more.
anser - n, c Europe | s Europe and n Africa · A. a. rubrirostris - ec Europe to China | Asia Minor and s Asia De grauwe gans (Anser anser) is in Nederland de meest voorkomende A. a. rubrirostris: van het oostelijke deel van Centraal-Europa tot China. The greylag goose or graylag goose (Anser anser) is a species of large goose in the waterfowl family Anatidae and the type species of the genus Anser.
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13/12/2010, Kuwait. © 2010 A. Al- Sirhan. إوَزَّةٌ رَبْداءُ شَرْقِيَّةٌ. Eastern Greylag Goose Anser anser rubrirostris.
Östlig grågås, ”Anser anser rubrirostris”, som häckar i Ryssland och Asien. Grågåsen häckar idag i stora delar av södra Sverige och utmed
טורקיה עד סין A. a. anser Iceland, N C Europe. Subspecies rubrirostris has pink bill and paler plumage.
Table 2.17: Greylag Goose Anser anser: Peak counts between 1990 and 2005 at sites in Europe, Africa the west and A. a. rubrirostris in southeastern. Europe.
In 1929, six Eastern Greylag Geese Anser. anser rubrirostris were brought from India to. south-eastern Sweden (Berg 1930, 1937). Nothing. was heard about av H KAMPE-PERSSON · 2007 · Citerat av 14 — between the Greylag Goose Anser anser and Swan.
I Sverige är den en sommargäst som mest ses mellan mars och oktober. Anser anser rubrirostris. Anser anser domesticus. [ editar datos en Wikidata] Anser anser ye una especie d' ave anseriforme de la familia Anatidae autóctona d' Eurasia y el norte d' África. Esta especie ye l'ancestru montés de les oques doméstiques d'Europa. Twenty Far East Greylag Geese Anser anser rubrirostris were captured and fitted with GPS/GSM loggers to identify breeding and wintering areas, migration routes and stopover sites.
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Telemetry data for the first time showed linkages between their Yangtze River wintering areas, stopover sites in northeastern China, and breeding/molting grounds in eastern Mongolia and northeast China. 10 of the 20 tagged individuals provided Media in category "Anser anser rubrirostris"The following 85 files are in this category, out of 85 total. Anser anser anser: Breeds nw Eurasia; winters to North Africa, Turkey and Iran Anser anser rubrirostris : NE Eurasia; winters to Asia Minor, India and n Indochina Source: Clements checklist Anser anser anser – nominatformen, västlig grågås, häckar i Europa. Anser anser rubrirostris – östlig grågås, häckar i Asien.
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Anser anser rubrirostris Swinhoe, 1871 - Eastern Greylag Goose * Image is also available in higher resolution: 358260.jpg (1600x1200 - 1784 kb). Author : Klaus Rudloff [ Other photographs by this author ]
Son corps est trapu. Le plumage est gris-brun avec des plumes bordées de blanc-crème donnant un aspect barré. Anser anser anser, presente in Europa occidentale.
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Hämta det här Beautiful Greylag Goose Anser Anser In Wetland Landscape fotot of geese resting in the river · Eastern Greylag goose, Anser anser rubrirostris
Note however white primaries; feral bird?) , river Mosel, Trier, Rheinland Pfalz, SW Germany 6.4.2006. Foto: Hannu Koskinen.
Fiche de Anser anser rubrirostris en Eure et Loir. Anser anser rubrirostris Swinhoe, 1871. 0 donnée. 0 commune. 0 maille Lambert93 10 km. 0 % territoire
Skanörs 3.
Native Range: This species has a large Anser anser rubrirostris es un subespecie de aves con 6 observaciones.